It’s Okay to Follow Your Passions Next to Other Priorities

Just take ten minutes.

Emma Deptolla
4 min readSep 16, 2023
Photo via Unsplash by Alice Dietrich

I find many articles here on Medium on how to create next to your 9 to 5. And I love them.

They help me keep my inspiration and motivation high and suggest tips and tricks on how to manage my time better and be disciplined.

But sometimes, it is not only about being motivated and disciplined. It is also about giving yourself permission to create.

Permission to work on your passion and craft your skill.

It is about giving that passion the same priority as other things you have currently going on in your life.

I study full-time and work part-time. Basically, every free minute I have, I feel like I should be dedicating to my studies because it is never enough.

Working on anything else often feels like a waste of time to me.

Whatever it is in your life that accompanies you next to your job, be that having children who need you, a parent who needs care, working multiple jobs, or going to school like me, you might have felt like that too.

Because taking care of your family, working, and studying are all justified activities. There is no question by anyone that those things aren’t what you ought to do.

